Learn how Iridology and the wonderful art & science of detoxification can help achieve your ultimate health goals

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What's included?

  • 25+ page in-depth Iridology analysis given to you in PDF format so it's yours to keep forever
  • Comprehensive breakdown of the integrity of all your organs and glands
  • Deeper explanations of the causative weaknesses observed in your iris.
  • Holistic dietary, lifestyle, herbal solutions for your specific weaknesses
  • "Priority list" so you can begin working on the most important aspects of your health 
  • Personalised 12-week Herbal protocol which is unique to what is found in your iris analysis
  • Access to my full body Health-Assessment form
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What is Iridology? 

 Iridology is the study of how tissue changes within the body are reflected in the iris. By studying these subtle changes in the iris layers, a skilled iridologist can determine the most probable causes of those specific tissue changes in the body. Unlike most modern diagnostic tools today, Iridology can reflect tissue and lymphatic integrity around the entire human body.

Inflammation, acidity, drug deposits, genetic weaknesses, stress indicators, and lymphatic stagnation can all be pinpointed using this incredible science. This means, without a shadow of a doubt, Iridology is the most holistic and accurate tool for identifying causal weaknesses in the body. Iridology, accompanied by discerned solutions, is a gateway into your own health and provides a starting point to your own healing journey.

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