Iridology: Cellular & Lymphatic Integrity
Sep 10, 2024
What is iridology?
Iridology is the study of the eyes in relation to tissue changes within the entire body. These tissue changes, whether genetic or self-imposed, are reflected in the iris. Iridology is practiced worldwide and dates back over 500 years. Each cell within the body is connected to the iris via the autonomic nervous system (ANS), central nervous system (CNS) and the optic nerves.
Tissues that have become weak (displaying signs of acidosis and lymphatic constipation) will broadcast these weaknesses through the iris fibres (trabecular). Iridology involves learning how to interpret the iris, by analysing the iris fibres, which have been carefully mapped to correspond with their physiological correlate (tissue, organ, and gland). Upon accurate analysis of iris colour changes and changes in the iris fibres, we can understand our genetic strengths and weaknesses and the various levels of cellular and lymphatic stagnation of our tissues, organs and glands.
Tissue Integrity
Tissue integrity refers to the functionality of the tissue. When the body becomes acidic, through poor lifestyle factors, the body has to buffer those acids (neutralise the acids). It does this in various ways, inflammation being one of them. If the cause of the inflammation persists, over time, this will damage the tissue. Inflammation can be systemic or localised.
This tissue damage can destroy the function of the tissue, meaning you hinder your bodies ability to digest, absorb, utilise and eliminate. This tissue damage will show in the eyes - we call this Lacunae or Crypts. These are dark holes within the layers of the iris. Darker the hole, the more the tissue is damaged. Example, Acute tissue integrity will show as a lighter, less visible hole. Degenerative tissue damage will show as a black visible hole. This is how we determine tissue integrity.
Lymphatic Integrity
The lymphatic system is the primary system the body eliminates the bodies toxicity & cellular wastes. The most dominant fluid in the body is your lymph fluid (almost 3x more volume than blood). It occupies the space around cells and tissue and is responsible for transporting waste matter & toxicity to lymphatic nodes, for it to be further broken down, and then to the eliminatory organs - Kidneys, bowels, skin, lungs and sinuses. It is suggested that when one enters the dis-eased state, the kidneys are the first to take a hit which burdens the lymphatic system causing a cascading effect of lymphatic build-up.
Imagine your septic tank under your house stopped breaking down the waste - you would see a back up of waste into your own home! Disgusting, right? Well, our bodies are no different. When the lymphatic system is compromised and becomes stagnant, we can see this broadcasted in the iris. The iris contains pigments of discolouration and different shades of colour too. An iridologist is able to determine the level of lymphatic stagnation by analysing the colours within the iris. Example, you may have natural blue eyes, and when we see a darker shade of yellow/brown around the kidney areas, we can see that lymphatic stagnation is sub-acute (potentially moving to chronic). The darkness of the shade determines the level of congestion.
The integrity of the lymphatic system may be called into question through what we call "lymphatic rosary" which show up as small white/yellow pearls/beads on the iris periphery (in the lymphatic zone). These often tell us there is lymphatic compromise. Sometimes we have to pay attention to where these beads conjoin within the collarette zone which can tell us that there is lymphatic weakness between 2 channels (the gut and the organ called into question). Various other signs within the different zones may help us understand what's happening within the lymphatic channels too - these may not be pigment related either.
When doing iris assessments, we spend much of our time discovering what the eyes are saying about the condition of your cells within specific areas of the body, as well as learning how your lymphatic system is truly working. Considering the blood is the kitchen and the lymph is the bathroom, it would makes sense that to uncover the root cause of out health issues, we aught to know how well these processes are working.