What is Mucoid Plaque? A Deep Dive.
Nov 03, 2024
In this article, we're going to do a deep dive into a controversial topic. Mucoid plaque: what is it? Is it real? Where is it?
If you've been in the detoxification space for any decent amount of time, you would have heard the term "mucoid plaque" or "plaque" as being referred to as some accumulated substance within the colon. Some say it's the root of all disease and some call it a hoax and a result of the supplements used on cleanses.
Why is there so much confusion on this topic? Surely, if such accumulations do happen inside the gut, we should be able to see them via colonoscopies and even autopsies, right? Surely, if it was a hoax, then people wouldn't feel tremendous relief and reversal of symptoms when cleansing these accumulations from the gut?
These are the questions that perplexed me for years. I have friends that have documented 30-50cm thick tar-like plaque leave the colon during cleanses. One of my close friends saw ropes of this rubbery substance come out through colonic hydrotherapy sessions (without binders present). As for myself, i've also documented 10-20cm ropes of this plaque leave my body during a high-dose enzyme cleanse, in which i felt tremendous physical relief and clarity that is still lasting.
A few months ago i knew this plaque existed and was a burden to the body in various ways, but i could not answer the questions "why do doctors/professionals not see this plaque in colonoscopies?". If this plaque was indeed stuck to the colon wall, why can't it be seen as often in these colonoscopy sessions?
Well, this plaque can be seen in colonoscopies in various cases but definitely not as frequently as i'd thought and to the level of intensity i would have imagined either. A question dawned upon me, what if this plaque is not inside the colon? What if this plaque exists, but we've been looking in the wrong places? Little did i know, this question gave me the keys to understanding the truth about mucoid plaque.
But first, what even is mucoid plaque?
Mucoid plaque is a thick tar-like rubbery substance that can accumulate inside the colon when we consume an unnatural diet. It's a result of neglecting the nutritional (and functional) needs of the body to such an extend that it creates a hazardous waste material and accumulation. This mucoid plaque lines the inside of the colon wall (mainly large intestines), and becomes harder and more rubbery over time. It houses other toxic waste materials that come through the digestive tract. It becomes a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria (who are really only there to clean up the waste), creates leaky gut by damaging the gut lining, creates blockages within the gut, and hinders our ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients from our food.
To understand the significance of mucoid plaque, let’s first talk about two under-looked processes of digestion - areas where most detox coaches fail to teach. Let’s talk about the processes of absorption - one of the four major processes of the human body. The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine. The mucosal lining of the small intestines is covered in villi, of which are often described as
hair- or finger-like projections. The surface cells of the villi add a second layer called microvilli, which substantially increases the surface area for nutrient absorption. Each villi contains blood capillaries and a lymphatic vessel. When food is broken down to its more absorbable and simple constituents based on the processes outlined in the last lesson, we are left with simple forms of biochemistry.
Simple sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, other nutrients, minerals, salts and vitamins. These simple
compounds enter the bloodstream after being absorbed by the villi, whilst many of the fats are taken up via the lymphatic system. For optimal absorption of nutrients in the gut to take place:
- There needs to be ZERO obstructions to the villi of the intestines and they must remain in good health.
- Food must also be sufficiently digested before reaching the duodenum.
When we have undigested food in our digestive system, obstructions through toxins and other pollutants we’ve eaten, we begin to see an accumulation of these contaminants within the colon. Every time we ingest hard-to-break- down foods and toxins throughout our diet, the colon uses intestinal mucus to encapsulate and move these toxins out of the colon. Each time this slimy mucus layer is excreted, residue builds up and coats the villi/microvilli. In bouts of constipation, this mucus - which contains undigested food and toxins, begin to harden and stick to the crevices of the colon wall, covering the villi which decreases your capacity to absorb and assimilate food.
This is exactly why even though we have overweight and obese people, they are actually STARVING because although they eat higher quantities of food, much of the nutrition isn’t digested, assimilated or even absorbed. This build up of hardened mucus, old undigested food-stuff, toxins, contaminants etc, is called mucoid plaque. A thick, black, tar-like substance that coats the walls of the colon and deposits deeply in the crevices of the colon. This stuff is real! I’ve seen some of it come out myself.
It's important to note that our digestive system, from our mouth right until our rectum, secretes mucus. Mucus is a dissolving agent that gets secreted to help break down our food and move food through the digestive system unobstructed. It's an essential and necessary part of our biology and we wouldn't survive long without adequate and balanced secretions of mucus throughout our digestive system.
The mucus secreted in our large intestines contains mucin - which is a glycosylated protein. Mucus also contain electrolytes (minerals). These electrolytes are what helps mucus dissolve toxic elements into less toxic elements inside the gut. They are essential for keeping our bowels clean. The efficacy of the mucus hinges on how saturated the mucus is with electrolytes.
Now, this is where the issue comes to surface.
When we eat unnatural foods (such as modern westernised processed foods), these foods, over time, rob our bodies of minerals and electrolytes. This is because the body itself uses minerals to buffer acid conditions inside the body. So, all your pop tarts and GMO white-flour breads are what naturopaths consider acid-forming foods. These foods create a net-acidic condition inside the body.
The body is very intelligent, and will use its own inner resources to buffer the acids. Buffering means to neutralise acids. In chemistry class we learnt that in order to neutralise an acid, we need an alkaline solvent/agent. Well, guess what? Minerals are alkaline. Electrolytes are alkaline. The body will use its electrolyte reserves to neutralise acids inside the body bringing back into balance and homeostasis.
What does this mean in the long term? This means we become electrolyte deficient over time if we continue to consume unnatural foods. This ALSO means our mucus becomes deficient in electrolytes. When the mucus becomes deficient in electrolytes, it doesn't have the horsepower to begin breaking down toxic waste within the gut as efficiently any more. How does the body solve this? Produce excess mucus.
It's the excess mucus production that creates the mucoid plaque. It's also important to remember here that the underlying issue is the acid-forming unnatural foods that have created mineral deficiencies inside the body.
Okay, so now that you're clear on what mucoid plaque is and how it starts to form inside the gut, what about the questions we asked earlier? I'm sure you're asking them too. Why can't it be seen that often during colonoscopies?
To understand this, we have to visit the works of Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schultz who were/are amazing naturopathic healers that have done tremendous work in this space. I stumbled across a transcript of an interaction between Sam Biser and Dr. Schultz where Schultz was expressing where this plaque really is.
He goes onto say that doctors don't generally know what they are looking for during colonoscopies. He says, they see a block dot or hole within the colon wall and move by it without interrogating and understanding what that black dot or hole really is.
These holes represent what he called "Diverticula" which were pockets of waste material that develop on the outside of the colon wall. These holes protrude outwards creating a space in which toxins and faecal matter (mucoid plaque) may enter and accumulate. Dr. Christopher, one of the great naturopathic healers, estimates that anywhere between 50-80% of the population will have 1 or more diverticula. He said this 50 years ago according to Dr. Schultz. You can imagine that number being much higher in this modern world where processed food and unnatural foods have skyrocketed.
This mechanism makes sense because the body pockets waste materials all the time! Cysts, tumours, warts, pimples, boils etc. These are all conditions where the body has intelligently pocketed waste material so that the body can continue functioning relatively unimpeded. It's a pretty smart mechanism actually and it would be asinine to believe the gut would function any differently. This helps explain where the mucoid plaque really is. It's not all on the inside of the bowels, it's on the OUTSIDE!
I made a YouTube video explaining how i came about this information, yo can watch it here:
I made this video in hopes to help you connect the dots that i have. These questions wrapped my mind for many years and i finally think i understand where this mucoid plaque really is. This can help shed light into the truth of this topic but may help others contemplate where detoxification and bowel cleansing fits into their own healing journey. At the end of the day, it's great knowing where this stuff is, but if we don't know how to eliminate it safely and effectively, then knowledge becomes stagnant and useless.
The good news is that i developed a precise program to help people eliminate this plaque as well as other toxins, heavy metals, parasites and biofilm. I currently run this program as a group coaching event. It's a 14 day program named "The 14 Day Binder Blast" that utilises natures powerful herbs and binders to pull toxins from in and around the gut and facilitate elimination.
If you're interested in doing a discerned and effective 14 day bowel flush, consider joining my next program here: